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What to Look for When Interviewing PR Firms

What to Look for When Interviewing PR Firms

They come prepared

A sales meeting is essentially a job interview, and while your PR representative may not be an actual employee they are an extension of your company and therefore need to know the company. If a PR firm comes into a sales meeting having done no research on your company or prepared any proposed ideas, it is a telling sign that you will not be their main focus once you sign on.

They focus less on them and more on what they can do for you

It’s easy to be impressed by a firm’s previous work, particularly if they have had some big-name clients that have received big placements. However, it is important to consider what the agency can do for you. During the sales meeting are they more focused on the three-page spread they once earned while representing Bobby Flay or what your company’s public relations objectives are and how they can meet them for you? Of course, prior work is important, but no matter how good a PR firm is, if they are not focused on your brand and its needs, it will likely not be a fit.

They are transparent about who you’ll be working with

Sales meetings are set so that both parties can get to know one another and understand whether or not they will be a good fit. It can be frustrating when PR firms bring in executives specifically for the sales pitch then introduce a different contact person or team upon signing on. It is important during sales meetings to establish who within the firm you will actually be working with and that you have the opportunity to meet with that person.

They manage expectations

During initial meetings, it is important to beware of firms that just tell you what you want to hear, particularly regarding instant results or guaranteed placements in big publications. A good PR firm is upfront with their processes and the fact that there are several steps that need to be taken before the first press release is ever sent out. All public relations professionals are also aware that journalists are creatives who’s articles have to be approved by an editor before publishing. Due to this their topics or a client’s inclusion in an article are subject to change.


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